APAP believes that pay transparency is a critical step toward pay equity and benefits both the job seeker and the employer. For those reasons, we are now requiring that employers include a salary range in all new job postings.
Postings that are backfilled from another association’s career center may not include salary information.
CCBC is the college of choice for over 50,000 studentsand 200 businesses each year ? all with unique goals, strengths and requirements. By offering a holistic learning environment that is both accepting and challenging, we meet students where they are and take them where they want to go. We offer the region?s most expansive selection of degree, certificate and workplace certification programs at 3 campuses plus 3 convenient CCBC centers along with off-site community locations.
Theatre Director will direct one of CCBC?s academic theatre productions. Directors will collaborate with the Theatre Faculty to select a play/musical for the academic theatre season, then oversee the casting, rehearsal, design, and run of the production.
Theatre Director Adjunct faculty are needed to run evening and/or weekend rehearsals at the Community College of Baltimore County. Adjunct faculty will be expected to facilitate learning via preparation and delivery of instruction, cooperation with College support staff in timely submission of materials and grades as required and, coordination of activities with the Program Director or Coordinator. Adjunct faculty are selected based on program needs and subject matter expertise of the applicant. Adjunct faculty are required to attend department meetings, participate in professional development related to classroom instruction and pedagogy, be available to students outside of class and, assist in maintaining program accreditation.
Adjunct Level 1: $1,085 per credit hour
Campus Locations: Catonsville or Essex
Bachelor's degree in Theatre, Dance, or Performing Arts
Two (2) years directing/choreography experience, preferably in collegiate settings
Strong communication and organization skills
Proficient computer skills and MicroSoft applications knowledge
Prior college teaching experience preferred.
Be responsible for conceiving and communicating an artistic concept of his/her production.
Work cooperatively with the production team to coordinate all artistic aspects of the production in order to insure unity.
Be ultimately responsible to the Discipline Coordinator and Department Chair for the artistic quality of the production and the integrity of the academic experience for the students.
Be prepared and present at all audition times and callback sessions.
Cast the production in cooperation and consultation (if necessary) with other members of the professional production team, theatre faculty and staff.
Be prepared and attend weekly production meetings with the Production Team to coordinate all aspects of the production. (i.e. props, sounds cues, special effects requirements, costumes, pre-show and intermission music if necessary).
Follow all set deadlines for final approvals in design elements: scenery, lighting, costumes, props, program and publicity information.
Supervise the Stage Manager and see that he/she understands his/her responsibilities as listed in the job description.
Work in cooperation with the Office of Performing Arts in scheduling rehearsal time and space.
Be present and prepared to assist in the posting of photographs for the publicity picture call.
Meet with the Musical Director, Conductor and Choreographer (for musicals) in advance of the first rehearsal to make any musical or choreographic considerations that insure artistic continuity of the production.
Be responsible for adequate research to insure the historical integrity of the production.
Be prepared and responsible for conducting all rehearsals in a professional manner that makes the most efficient use of the student actor?s and production team/staff?s time.
Strive to maintain company morale and set a professional example for students at all times.
CCBC is the college of choice for over 70,000 students and 200 businesses each year — all with unique goals, strengths and requirements. By offering a holistic learning environment that is both accepting and challenging, we meet students where they are and take them where they want to go. CCBC is committed to ensuring equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in all hiring and employment practices. We are committed to equal treatment for all applicants and employees and will not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by law. CCBC’s benefits include medical, dental, vision, disability insurance, ample paid time off, choice of one of two Maryland State Retirement Plans (contributory and noncontributory), and much more.
Single text with icon inside. You will have to use html to move the icon around. Example view the dues for each membership category here
Recording of plenary sessions that is intended for broadcast or webcast requires prior arrangement and permission through APAP;
Advance scheduling is required for all filming during exhibit hours;
Advance scouting, without cameras, is required;
All camera crew personnel must wear press badges, and badges must be visible while on the exhibit floor;
All camera crews will be escorted by a representative of the Conference while on the exhibit floor;
A list of filming needs, indicating company name and booth number, must be approved by APAP in advance of any filming;
Permission must be granted by each exhibitor before any filming begins. Camera crews must provide release forms before filming;
If you ?need power, other than battery pack, advance arrangements are required and can be arranged by contacting Leah Frelinghuysen;
You will be responsible for any costs related to electrical needs;
Interviews for exhibitors in the EXPO Hall should be scheduled up to one week before the conference starts (January 10, 2020) and advance scheduling is required for all filming during exhibit hours
Press Contact: Leah Frelinghuysen Media Relations Consultant, APAP|NYC 2020 Association of Performing Arts Professionals leah@monarchyPR.com
Single Title
*Single Text Here* Please note the following details related to filming and camera crew access to the EXPO Hall. Advance attention to these requirements will make your visit more productive: