APAP believes that pay transparency is a critical step toward pay equity and benefits both the job seeker and the employer. For those reasons, we are now requiring that employers include a salary range in all new job postings.
Postings that are backfilled from another association’s career center may not include salary information.
The Music and Stage and Screen Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls is seeking an energetic and dynamic, instrumental music and music education professional to join the faculty for a nine-month, tenure-track position in Instrumental Music and Music Education at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 2025. The ideal candidate will possess a strong background in conducting and coordinating concert bands and have experience in student recruitment. Additionally, the successful candidate will have experience teaching and administering instrumental ensembles as well as courses in instrumental music and music education; the knowledge, skills, and dispositional traits needed to teach and inspire future music educators; an extensive knowledge of instrumental repertoire; a desire to expand and diversify the profession of music education through course offerings, curriculum, repertoire, and recruitment (e.g., teachers, students, and teaching candidates) within PK-12 and collegiate settings; and the ability to establish successful partnerships with regional music teachers and music professionals. The standard teaching load is a 12.0 credit full-time load per semester.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
The successful candidate must have:
Earned a terminal degree (e.g., D.M.A., Ph.D., E.D.) in Instrumental Conducting or Music Education – ABD candidates may be considered, but must complete their terminal degree by July 15, 2025
Experience teaching secondary (middle/high school) band ensembles – commensurate experience may be considered
Experience teaching, conducting, and administering undergraduate bandensembles
Knowledge, skills, and dispositional traits needed to teach and inspire future music educators
Extensive knowledge of instrumental repertoire
Commitment to recruit for the music program
Dedication to expanding and diversifying the profession of music education through course offerings, curriculum, and repertoire
Ability to establish successful partnerships with regional music teachers and music professionals
In addition, the following qualifications/experiences are preferred:
Earned a certified teaching license in instrumental music education
Experience teaching courses in instrumental music, music education, and music literature
Experience teaching, conducting, and administering undergraduate orchestra ensembles
Experience with technologies utilized in music, especially related to production (e.g., sound and lighting)
Special Instructions to Applicants:
Applicants are required to apply online. UWRF will not consider paper, emailed or faxed applications. Applicants are required to provide:
Curriculum Vitae
Unofficial Transcripts
Letter of interest specifying qualifications and experience (cover letter)
Names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of at least three references who can specifically comment upon your teaching ability, experience and professional preparation (references)
Teaching statement not to exceed two pages
Links to videos of you in rehearsal (10 minutes) and in performance (10 minutes)
Deadline to Apply: Initial review of applications will begin upon receipt. For full consideration, applicants should submit all required materials on or before March 14, 2025.
Employees receive excellent benefits including exceptionally low-cost comprehensive health, dental and vision benefits; employer match of Wisconsin Retirement System contributions of 6.95%; an attractive amount of paid leave per year in addition to paid sick leave. To learn more about our benefits, go to: https://www.wisconsin.edu/ohrwd/benefits/download/quickguidefasl.pdf.
Single text with icon inside. You will have to use html to move the icon around. Example view the dues for each membership category here
Recording of plenary sessions that is intended for broadcast or webcast requires prior arrangement and permission through APAP;
Advance scheduling is required for all filming during exhibit hours;
Advance scouting, without cameras, is required;
All camera crew personnel must wear press badges, and badges must be visible while on the exhibit floor;
All camera crews will be escorted by a representative of the Conference while on the exhibit floor;
A list of filming needs, indicating company name and booth number, must be approved by APAP in advance of any filming;
Permission must be granted by each exhibitor before any filming begins. Camera crews must provide release forms before filming;
If you ?need power, other than battery pack, advance arrangements are required and can be arranged by contacting Leah Frelinghuysen;
You will be responsible for any costs related to electrical needs;
Interviews for exhibitors in the EXPO Hall should be scheduled up to one week before the conference starts (January 10, 2020) and advance scheduling is required for all filming during exhibit hours
Press Contact: Leah Frelinghuysen Media Relations Consultant, APAP|NYC 2020 Association of Performing Arts Professionals leah@monarchyPR.com
Single Title
*Single Text Here* Please note the following details related to filming and camera crew access to the EXPO Hall. Advance attention to these requirements will make your visit more productive: